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Zhuhai transport achieves signs of progress


Updated: 2022-09-19

Zhuhai residents will have unparalleled convenience with urban transportation as projects for the citywide transportation network show signs of development.

The Huangmao Sea Channel project, expecting to start operation in 2024, has now completed over 1,000 prefabricated segmental beams for the T9-section and 50 percent of five main towers on the Huangmao Sea Channel and Gaolan Port bridges. Xiangshan Tunnel, as part of the project, has finished 2,240 m (2,450 yd) of tunneling, accounting for 70 percent of its total length. 

The right passage of the west line tunnel in the 17-km (11-mile) Y-shaped north section of the Xingye Express has been drilled through, and the entire tunnel will be able to meet operational requirements apart from ventilating shafts by the end of this year. 


The right passage of the west line tunnel of Xingye Express's north section has been connected. [Photo courtesy WeChat account: zhuhaifabu]

Other parts of the north section of the Xingye Express are expected to finish construction in the second quarter of 2023. Upon operation, the north-south Xingye Express will have no traffic lights and will link areas in Tangjiawan to downtown Zhuhai, then connect to the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Link and Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge. 

Elsewhere in Shangchong, four steel-structure overpasses will be built at the Nantan, Songtan, Tongbei, and Jietan road intersections of the National Expressway G105 (Gudu Avenue). 

The L-shaped Nantan Road Overpass will be able to satisfy pedestrian demands in crossing the National Expressway G105 and Nantan Road. Three barrier-free lifts will be available to the public. The ones at Songtan and Tongbei road intersections are close to industrial clusters such as Sanxi Technology & Innovation Town, while the pedestrian overpass at Jietan Road will be located on the south side of Jietan Road with ramps and barrier-free lifts.

In addition, the foundation for the pavement treatment and pipeline construction of Phase III of Dongdi Road is underway in Doumen. The 2,000-m (2,187-yd) project is located on the east side of the Huangyang River. It is a 24-m-wide (26-yd-wide) secondary main road with dual four lanes. 

The project's feeder lanes on Tongxing Road are expected to be finished by the end of 2022 and its main line will begin operation at the end of 2023. By then, motorists in the Baijiao area will have direct access from Jianfeng Bridge to Jing'an Bridge along Huangyang River. 



Main towers of Huangmao Sea Channel to be capped in mid-2023

​Beam erection of the first span section of the Huangmao Sea Channel project's east approach bridge was completed on April 25, marking another step forward toward the project's completion in 2024.


Tunnel through Fenghuang Mt connected on Xingye Express

​The right passage of the west line tunnel in the north section of the Xingye Express was drilled through on May 14, while further work like main structure and ventilating shaft construction, as well as mechanical and electrical installation are underway.

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