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Xiangzhou District 2nd People's Hospital starts renovation, expansion


Updated: 2022-08-30

Work began on the renovation and expansion project of the 2nd People's Hospital in Xiangzhou District on Aug 27. Its goal is to open in January 2027 and be able to handle the medical needs of 500,000 people in Nanping Sci-Tech Ecocity. 

A 22-story building, with three underground floors, will be constructed for outpatient and inpatient departments, as well as medical technical centers, and has a planned floorage of 135,000 square meters (33 acres).


Rendering of Xiangzhou District 2nd People's Hospital [Photo courtesy WeChat account: zhuhaifabu]

In order to accomplish highly efficient people flow and material transportation, the new building will be connected to the existing ones in the hospital via overpass corridors. Once operational, it will be able to accommodate 800 patients, with half of those beds designated for integrated rehabilitation and treatment. 

The "medicine + convalesce + rehabilitation" service model will be further investigated, according to Wu Xing, director of the hospital. Wu also stated that more effort will be put into introducing and cultivating top-notch talent as well as creating advantageous disciplines. The hospital will work to be an inclusive and comprehensive facility in the Nanwan area with high standards, high-quality service, and a welcoming environment.

Formerly known as Nanping town health center, the Xiangzhou District 2nd People's Hospital relocated to the current site on Nanquan Road in July 2011 and was rated as a 2A-grade hospital in December that year. The hospital now spans 42,730.09 sqm (11 acres) and provides 120 patient beds.

It is the only public comprehensive hospital in Nanping Sci-Tech Ecocity featuring medical services, training, sci-tech research, disease prevention, and health preservation. 

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