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Hengqin enterprise leads in offshore wind power construction


Updated: 2022-08-17

Hengqin-based China Railway Construction Corp Harbour & Channel Engineering Bureau Group currently ranks among China's leaders in offshore wind power construction, becoming a new national-level calling card of Zhuhai, announced Zhuang Shangbiao, president of CRCC, during a business tour in Guangdong Province in early August.

CRCC Harbour & Channel Engineering Bureau Group is the only wholly-owned subsidiary focusing on hydraulic construction under the Fortune Global 500 company CRCC. It settled in Hengqin on Aug 8, 2011, with a registered capital of 2.5 billion yuan ($368.3 million).


A project undertaken by CRCC Harbour & Channel Engineering Bureau Group in Dalian, Liaoning Province [Photo by Yu An / Zhuhai Daily]

Early in 2017, the group invested 500 million yuan ($74 million) in building a 1,300-metric-ton self-propelled wind turbine installation vessel and set up the new energy business department. 

Jin Guoliang, the group's general manager, noted that it was mainly the group's offshore wind power equipment, innovative installation technologies, and operation revenue that ranked among the top domestically. It has now held the fastest pile sinking record of 18 hours and the fastest draught fan installation speed as one single ship can install 12 machines in one month.

Jin added that ship machinery equipment is a major driving factor in the company's offshore wind power construction business, with the group planning to build a 5,000-ton large pontoon crane and 1,600-ton self-propelled wind turbine installation vessel to meet demands in deep sea construction. 

The company has also made efforts to drive technological innovation, with two of its technologies rated as global leading ones. It has now developed and owned 30 patents. In terms of market share, the group's new energy branch has now undertaken 21 offshore wind power projects, with the total contract volume exceeding 12 billion yuan ($2 billion).

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