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Zhuhai firms receive RCEP C/O on cargo worth 190m yuan


Updated: 2022-07-18

Xiangzhou Customs issued 524 Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) certificates of origin in the first half of 2022, benefiting nearly 190 million yuan ($28 million) worth of cargo and driving the development of Zhuhai enterprises exporting consumer goods.

Around 60 percent of the Zhuhai goods receiving such certificates involved individual consumer food products like sauces and fried garlic, sports goods such as fishing rods and helmets, daily necessities including air fresheners and dehumidifiers, as well as clothing garments like t-shirts and trousers.

Bilateral tariff concessions between China and Japan were achieved through the RCEP established in November 2020, making Japan the largest destination country of Zhuhai enterprises' certificates of origin.

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A Xiangzhou Customs officer issues a certificate of origin to an enterprise representative [Photo courtesy Guanhai App]

Jade Garment Manufacturing (Zhuhai) has applied for 36 RCEP certificates of origin for 3.7 million yuan ($551,912) worth of cargo this year and enjoyed 200,000 yuan ($29,833) in tariff concessions.

Kuang Zhonglan, customs declaration director of Jade Garment Manufacturing (Zhuhai), said that Japan is a major overseas market of the enterprise and that the RCEP agreement has provided advantageous conditions for enterprises to explore the Japanese market.

Xiangzhou Customs noted that it will devote continuous efforts to promoting RCEP policies to major enterprises involved in major industries. Online and on-site measures like door-to-door services and video conferences are also utilized to help enterprises deal with problems in applying for the certificates.

Convenient services, such as self-printing and intelligent approval of certificates of origin, will be applied to help Zhuhai export enterprises fully optimize RCEP and reduce costs in export trade.

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