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Zhuhai schools suspend offline teaching, training

(Zhuhai Foreign Affairs Office)

Updated: 2022-07-14

To further strengthen the Covid-19 prevention and control measures in the schools and educational institutions of Zhuhai, we hereby notify as follows:

Schools at all levels and of all types in the city (including kindergartens, educational training institutions, off-campus tutorial institutions) should suspend offline teaching and off-campus training activities.

Schools that undertake summer on-campus tutorial service should suspend the service.

Large-scale training, gathering activities and all cross-city activities should be suspended.

All teachers, students, and staff of the educational service should cooperate with the local Covid-19 prevention and control headquarters regarding the prevention policies and nucleic acid testing requirements.

All teachers, students, and staff of the educational service are suggested to stay in the city and reduce unnecessary travels.

For those who violate the Covid-19 prevention and control regulations will be held liable by the law.

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