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Zhuhai suspends all group teaching

By Qiu Quanlin (

Updated: 2022-07-13

Teaching and off-campus teaching services in schools at all levels in Zhuhai, Guangdong province, were suspended on Tuesday, as the city intensified its efforts against COVID-19 infections.

The suspension came after a 24-year-old female kindergarten teacher living in the city's Xiangzhou district tested positive on Monday.

According to a statement issued by the local health authority on Tuesday, all gatherings, including large-scale training classes in Zhuhai, have been suspended.

Guangzhou, Guangdong, reported three new locally transmitted COVID-19 cases that were confirmed on Monday.

The local health authority classified another residential community in Baiyun district as high-risk on Monday. The city has reported sporadic new COVID-19 cases since Friday.

Health authorities in the Longhua and Nanshan districts of Shenzhen have also classified two residential communities as high-risk. The city reported four new local asymptomatic infections on Monday.

Guangdong reported 22 new local confirmed cases on Monday, with 20 more local asymptomatic infections, the provincial Health Commission said.

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