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Jinwan industrial park starts construction in record time


Updated: 2022-06-27

Jinxin Intelligent Manufacturing Industrial Park in Zhuhai's Jinwan District started construction on June 23 and Shenzhen Sunwinon Electronics, a subsidiary of Shenzhen-based Sunwoda Electronic, will settle in the park upon its operation.

Zhuhai Jinxin Intelligent Manufacturing Technology, a subsidiary of the State-owned Zhuhai Jinhang Group, won the bid for the industrial park's land lot on June 21 and it took only three days for the enterprises to obtain the engineering construction notice, the first of its kind issued after Jinwan launched the model of allowing enterprises to start construction right after obtaining land use permits.


Groundbreaking ceremony of Jinxin Intelligent Manufacturing Industrial Park [Photo by Zhang Zhou / Zhuhai Daily]

A new model of introducing projects in Jinwan was launched, which included the three steps of precise investment attraction, land lot bidding, and overall settling, making it the first trial in Zhuhai. 

An official of Jinwan said that this model not only revitalizes idle land lots, but also reduces enterprises' costs in the earlier stages and ensures that the projects can start operation as soon as possible. 

Located at the intersection of Zhuhai Avenue and Chuangye Middle Road, the park covers total area of 168,014.95 sq m (42 acres). Several idle factories on the land lot have been withdrawn by Hongqi Town and Jinhang Group will conduct new overall planning for the area. 

Sunwoda is a domestic leading enterprise in providing smart hardware terminal products for households, medical data, transportation, and industries. It signed a 1-billion-yuan ($149-million) investment deal with the Jinwan District government and Jinhang Group to build its project in two phases for the R&D, production, testing, and marketing of smart hardware.

It is expected that the project's first phase will bring 2,000 job opportunities, as well as boost the aggregated development of Jinwan's electronic information and new materials industries.

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