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Yuehesuan updated to bring more convenience for residents

(Zhuhai Foreign Affairs Office)

Updated: 2022-06-21

Recently, the WeChat mini program "Yuehesuan (粤核酸)" has been upgraded to enable "multi-code scanning", which brings more convenience for residents. Whether during mass or regular nucleic acid testing, residents now can show any QR code on Yuehesuan for testing, according to the Health Commission of Guangdong Province.


To maintain stability and efficiency during the continuous mass nucleic acid testing, Yuehesuan has adopted a parallel operation of 6 systems with different codes. Previously, residents were required to provide corresponding QR codes for testing in different places, which might lead to the trouble of repeated logging. After upgrading, residents can scan the code and get tested by showing any nucleic acid code for regular or mass testing.

Developed by the Health Commission of Guangdong Province, Yuehesuan ensures the availability of residents' registration of mass and regular nucleic acid sampling within the province. Children, senior and individuals without smartphones can take a screenshot of or print the QR codes on Yuehesuan for testing. 

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