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2022 Airshow China aims for a higher level and quality


Updated: 2022-04-25

More than 390 enterprises from 23 domestic provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities, as well as 11 overseas countries like the United States, United Kingdom, Sweden, Switzerland, Italy, and Austria have confirmed their attendance at the 14th China International Aviation & Aerospace Exhibition (Airshow China).

Zhuhai mayor Huang Zhihao made the announcement during the first working coordination meeting of the 2022 Airshow China in Beijing on April 22.


April 22 coordination meeting [Photo courtesy WeChat account: gh_46b89d63388f]

The event is scheduled to take place at the Zhuhai International Air Show Center in Jinwan from Nov 8 to 13, covering an exhibition area of 77,000 sq m (19 acres). Currently, 77 percent of the exhibition booths have been booked. 

Attending units, such as the equipment development department of the Central Military Commission, Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA), Civil Aviation Administration of China, as well as COMAC, noted that the number of aircrafts and latest achievements exhibited will be increased for the upcoming event. More professional experts will be invited, while more high-level meetings and forums are expected to be held. 

Huang noted that overall preparation, as well as COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control plans for this year's Airshow China will be optimized. Both online and offline exhibitions and interaction activities will be held to further expand the event's influence. 

Service facilities and their functions at the Zhuhai International Air Show Center will be improved, while more convenient transportation options will be available for a better experience. Patriotic education platforms, including a national air and space museum, as well as a Zhuhai space center, will be built.

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