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New overpass proposed to ease W Renmin Road traffic


Updated: 2022-04-15

Feasibility research on an east-west 420-m (459-yd) overpass at the West Renmin-Minzhu roads intersection in Qianshan has won approval from the Zhuhai Development & Reform Commission. Construction design and bidding process will soon begin.


Rendering of the renovation project for Renmin Road [Photo courtesy Zhuhai Daily]

The whole renovation project stretches 1,539 m (1,683 yd) from the toll plaza at the Renmin Road Interchange of the Xianghai Bridge feeder, then goes under the Guangzhou-Zhuhai Intercity MRT viaduct, and ends at west of the Shangchong Bus Stop. With no traffic lights, the elevated section is expected to handle the rising traffic demands after the Xianghai Expressway begins operations this year.

Nearby roads will also be expanded to form a fast pass, separating motorists running east and west on West Renmin Road and the Xianghai Bridge feeder from those running south and north on Mingzhu Road. In addition, the 225-m (246-yd) south part of the West Renmin Road Interchange of the Xianghai Bridge feeder will be widened with more lanes.

The dual six-lane overpass will have a designed speed limit of 60 kmph (37 mph). The 544-m (595-yd) feeder connecting West Renmin Road and the overpass, as well as the 350-m (383-yd) feeder on Mingzhu Road will have a maximum speed limit of 40 kmph (25 mph).

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