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Hengqin will house China-Portuguese-speaking countries trade center


Updated: 2022-04-14

A China-Portuguese-speaking Countries (PSCs) International Trade Center will be built in the Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin under the joint efforts of Guangdong Province and Macao, officials announced during the Forum for Economic and Trade Co-operation between China and PSCs on April 10.

Specific measures were released to deepen economic and trade cooperation with PSCs, according to China's Commerce Minister Wang Wentao, such as supporting Macao in building comprehensive service platforms, as well as holding the Exhibition for Economic and Trade Co-operation of China and PSCs.

Wang added that enterprises in the Chinese mainland will be encouraged to participate in infrastructure construction in PSCs through measures including joint investment and financing, as well as technical cooperation.


Hengqin has become a hot land for development [Photo by Ye Qiuming / Zhuhai Media Group]

Vincent Chou, founder of Bringbuys Web Technology, which is the operator of the Economic & Trade Co-operation and Human Resources Portal between China and PSCs, noted that problems, such as small market scale, simple cross-border e-commerce trade forms, as well as inadequate utilization of Macao's functions, still occur in the economic and trade cooperation between China and PSCs.

Chou noted that the construction of the new trading center and an international hub port for digital economy in Hengqin will bolster trade between China and PSCs.

The Hengqin-based Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Science & Technology Industrial Park of Cooperation Between Guangdong & Macao is promoting the global registration and trade of TCM products. Nine products of companies, including those from Macao, in the park have registered in Mozambique, while the local application of Lianhua Qingwen capsules has achieved great market performance in COVID-19 prevention and control. In addition, seven products have been registered in Brazil and will soon be able to be sold in local markets. 

The forum was held both online and on-site in Beijing and Macao due to the current COVID-19 pandemic. It focused on experience exchanges, as well as talent training and cooperation in COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control. It was also put forward that Macao will play a major role in economic recovery in the post-COVID-19-pandemic period. 

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