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Zhuhai section of Guangzhou-Macao railway to begin construction


Updated: 2022-04-13

The Hezhou-Hengqin section of the Guangzhou-Zhuhai (Macao) High-Speed Railway will start construction at the end of 2022 to further expand exchanges between Macao and the Chinese mainland while accelerating the construction of Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin. 


A running high-speed train [Photo courtesy Nanfang Plus]

The announcement was made during a feasibility review meeting held by the Evaluation Center of China Railway in Beijing from March 22 to 23, in which the 21.5-km (13.4-mile) section was evaluated from aspects like construction standards, geological conditions, transportation management, plan selection, investment control, and social influence.

Suggestions were given by experts for improving the current construction plan. China Railway Siyuan Survey & Design Group, the project designer, was required to make prompt revisions for preparation of future construction. 

The Guangzhou-Zhuhai (Macao) High-Speed Railway starts from Guangzhou North Station in Huadu District and ends at Hengqin, with a designed speed of 350 km/h (217 mph). En route stops include Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport, Yuzhou, Nansha, Zhongshan, and Zhuhai Hezhou.

With investment of 12.61 billion yuan ($1.98 billion), the Hezhou-Hengqin section is a major passage in China's "Eight Horizontal & Eight Vertical" skeleton high-speed rail network. It will also meet surging travel demands and promote Macao's long-term stability and prosperity.

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