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Hengqin human resources supported with subsidies, incentives, services, transport


Updated: 2022-03-31

Talent housing and living subsidies for new college graduates and other personnel are among 10 measures announced March 28 by the Executive Committee of the Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin.

The measures are intended to reduce costs for local enterprises and support their development. For instance, those hired by companies with substantial business operations in Hengqin -- regardless of size or tax assessment -- are now eligible for rental and livelihood subsidies. Junior college graduates employed by local firms can now receive 20,000 yuan ($3,142), and other workers can get 8,000 yuan ($1,257).

To cut office costs for sci-tech enterprises, the rental subsidy period has been extended from three to five years, and the standard for subsidies in the fourth and fifth years drops to 50 percent of that of the previous three years.

The Cooperation Zone will provide local companies with personalized, customized, and pre-designed services of well-known HR recruitment websites to lower staffing costs. Platforms will be utilized to establish an accurate list of enterprise labor demands and promote the precise docking of employers and job-seekers. On-campus recruitment campaigns will also be arranged for major industries, projects, and companies in Hengqin.


Commuter buses on Hengqin Island [Photo courtesy WeChat account: hengqinzaixian2021]

Special policies will support Macao investors in Hengqin. Subsidies and incentives will be provided for office and commercial housing rental and decoration, brand introduction, revenue, R&D, and market development.

Operation subsidies are on offer for commercial brand stores within office buildings and industrial parks as well as their supporting businesses, as long as they meet requirements such as time of commencing business.

In addition, administrative measures for central cooling and heating will be stipulated to reduce energy costs for companies. Qualified group meal distribution companies will be introduced for industrial parks and commercial buildings, while grants will be provided for establishing regional staff canteens in eligible office buildings and parks in Hengqin.

A multi-layer public transport system will be constructed to serve employees in the zone. Planned are an optimized bus network, added routes and bus stops, preferential commuter coupons, and weekend cross-border bus routes.

To encourage ride-sharing, more shared bikes and cars will be provided in the zone, while infrastructure including charging piles will be enhanced. Meanwhile, Hengqin will construct more public parking lots and optimize their rate standards.

Education will also be strengthened in Hengqin with the construction of new kindergartens and primary schools, as well as improved teaching quality.

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