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Jinwan IBC 'twin' towers ready by October


Updated: 2022-03-25

The tallest building in Zhuhai's west wing, Jinwan Huafa International Business Center in Aviation New Town is near completion. Final touches are being added to its 210-m (689-ft) main tower and 140-m (459-ft) apartment building for opening before Oct 1.


Jinwan Huafa International Business Center is in the final stages of construction [Photo by Li Jianshu and Luo Xiaotao / Zhuhai Daily]

The two towers cover 23,000 sq m (6 acres) with floorage of 173,700 sq m (43 acres). The upper floors of the 38-story main tower will house first-class offices, while Marriott International has signed an agreement to use the lower floors as a five-star hotel, according to He Zan of developer Zhuhai Huafa Development & Construction.

The commercial podium of the twin towers will become Hall D of Jinwan Huafa Mall and form a world leading "mall + block" complex together with Halls A, B, and C, as well as the nearby Jinwan Civic Center and Public Cultural Service Center (District Library and Archives Hall). The brand-new complex is expected to have four-times the business volume of the Huafa Mall in Nanping. Upon completion, it will introduce the first high-end business, cultural and art, and commercial center to west Zhuhai with floorage of 760,000 sq m (187 acres).

In recent years, Jinwan District has been striving to become a new industrial, transport, and urban center in the city. The construction of the Huafa International Business Center is expected to form a high-quality business circle benefiting Zhuhai's west wing and promote the district's high-quality development. 

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