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HK, Macao residents to receive same public services in Zhuhai


Updated: 2022-03-24

Zhuhai's 14th Five-Year Plan for Basic Public Services (2021-25) was announced March 21, outlining actions to ensure Hong Kong and Macao residents enjoy similar basic public services and treatment in the city.

Efforts will be made to accomplish convenient sharing of public services in the Pearl River Delta region and increase government-to-government collaboration with neighboring cities, with the goal of eventually implementing joint development and sharing of fundamental public services.

A closely intertwined joint epidemic prevention and control mechanism between Zhuhai and Macao will be established by 2025, while major breakthroughs will be made in the medical referral system of the two cities. The establishment of an interactive mechanism for emergency medical assistance and health emergency response mechanism among Zhuhai, Hong Kong, and Macao will also be advanced.


Hengqin Branch of Zhuhai People's Hospital [Photo courtesy Zhuhai Media Group]

In addition, Zhuhai schools will strengthen exchanges with counterparts in Hong Kong and Macao by establishing sister school relationships.

Implementation of the entrepreneurship and employment policies for Hong Kong and Macao youths will be promoted in the city to further facilitate free talent flow between Zhuhai, Hong Kong, and Macao in terms of employment, entrepreneurship, social security, and professional qualifications.

The three regions will also deepen cooperation in traditional Chinese medicine, and remove institutional barriers that get in the way of medical services in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao to promote information exchange, mutual recognition of qualifications, and resource sharing.

Zhuhai will develop the elderly healthcare service industry centered on medical care, rehabilitation, nursing, and physical examinations for seniors, and boost the branding, chain-orientation, and scaled development of elderly care institutions and social organizations.

In addition, the city will improve and further implement measures like the Zhuhai Talent Plan and Hong Kong & Macao Talent Development Support Plan to promote talent cooperation among the three regions.

Financial support will be strengthened to encourage more Hong Kong and Macao youths to innovate and start businesses in Zhuhai.

The plan also takes into full consideration the housing needs of high-level talents. About 345,000 housing units will be supplied during the 14th Five-Year Plan period, including 125,000 units for government-subsidized and talent housing.

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