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Xiangzhou strives to improve local traffic conditions


Updated: 2022-03-21

Xiangzhou District set up a special working group on March 17, aiming to solve local residents' pressing concerns on traffic congestion and promote major transportation infrastructure projects in Nanping Science & Technology Industrial Park. 

Of note, four major transportation infrastructure projects, with total investment of 1 billion yuan ($157 million), will be implemented to relieve traffic pressure in Nanping Science & Technology Industrial Park.

Six of seven cross-boundary roads linking Sanxi Technology & Innovation Town and Zhongshan's Tanzhou Town have been built, with the other one being under construction. Aiming to reduce private car travel, smart shuttle buses are now available for local employees commuting between Area D of the industrial park and Doumen and New Xiangzhou. 


Newly-added roadside parking spaces in Old Xiangzhou [Photo courtesy WeChat account: zhtqb12345]

Upgrades of several Xiangzhou roads were completed in 2021 to enhance traffic microcirculation in Qianshan, Cuixiang, Meihua, and Nanping areas. Eight new roads were put into operation, including Heke Road and Xinxi Street, while more intersections were created in main artery roads and their access roads, such as Mingzhu and Meihua roads.

Stone, anti-collision, and U-shaped columns were added alongside Huwan, Wenxian, Yinxiang, and Xiamei roads to separate motorists and pedestrians, eliminating traffic stoppages caused by pedestrian-vehicle conflicts or disorderly car parking.

Efforts have also been made to ease the difficulty of parking for residents. A total of 21,723 parking spaces were added in 348 residential communities and villages and on 132 lanes last year. New parking lots have also been set up on idle spaces, such as underbridge areas. More parking spaces opened to the public near commercial circles and parks, such as the City Balcony and Qianfan Square in Jida. 

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