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Mountain cherry blossoms in Haibin Park in full bloom


Updated: 2022-03-14

Dozens of mountain cherry blossom trees in the Cherry Blossom Garden in Haibin Park are bursting with blooming pink flowers, attracting butterflies and bees as well as hordes of visitors. The trees are now in their best viewing season in March, with the florescence lasting for only seven days.

More than 300 mountain cherry blossom trees were planted in the garden in 2009. They flourished in the first year, but only a few entered full bloom in the following years, said Liu Huamin, director of the park's management office.

This year's flowers are more exuberant than previous years due to the recent rainy and cold weather in Zhuhai, according to Liu. Gardening experts noted that mountain cherry blossom trees prefer the wet climate, and droughts may cause inadequate absorption of nutrients and result in fewer flowers. 


Cherry Blossom Garden in southeast of Haibin Park in Jida


Two butterflies dance around a blooming mountain cherry blossom 


Mountain cherry blossom trees in Haibin Park in full bloom with pink flowers [Photos by Wu Changfu / Zhuhai Daily]

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