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Blooming pink magnolias decorate Beishan cultural relic


Updated: 2022-03-11

Magnolia liliiflora (Mulan magnolia or lily magnolia) trees planted in the century-old Yang Great Ancestral Hall in Nanping's Beishan Village are blooming with fragrant pinkish-purple flowers. 

The tulip-shaped plump buds of magnolia liliiflora resemble Chinese writing brushes in shape, creating an enchanting sight that is particularly popular with visitors and photographers.


Plump buds of magnolia liliiflora look like Chinese writing brushes 

Yang Great Ancestral Hall, formerly Yang Ancestral Shrine, was built in 1868 in the Qing dynasty (1644-1911). It is a cultural relic protection unit of Guangdong province and was appraised as one of the "Most Beautiful Countryside Tourist Demonstration Areas of Guangdong Province" in 2006.


A woman takes pictures of the charming magnolia liliiflora at the Yang Great Ancestral Hall 


Blooming magnolia liliiflora [Photos by Cai Zhenfeng / WeChat account: zhxiangzhou]

To get there, drive to "杨氏大宗祠" (yang shi da zong ci) using GPS. Or take buses 14, 15, 16, 34, 201, 601, 605, 608, 609 to "北山" (Beishan) stop and walk to the ancestral hall.

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