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Zhuhai Forum advocates 'win-win' aerospace community


Updated: 2021-09-29

A brand-new international conference targeting "high-quality development and building a community with a shared future for mankind," the 2021 Zhuhai Forum on developments in aerospace was held Sept 26-28.

More than 500 experts and international representatives looked into the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation. It was noted that the world's aerospace science and technology innovation is developing like never before.

The forum was themed "Start the Future by Win-Win Cooperation" and was sponsored by the National Defense Science & Technology Industry Administration, China National Space Administration (CNSA), and People's Government of Guangdong Province. It is an outgrowth of the 2002 China International Aerospace Summit Forum.


Jerome Bendell, vice president of Thales North Asia and CEO of Thales Alenia China addresses the future of aerospace in Embrace the Digital Age speech [Photo by Zhong Fan / Guanhai App]

Other matters looked into were: industrial transformation, world-class bay areas and world-class city clusters, international exchanges and cooperation, and stronger domestic docking support.

Representatives of China Aerospace Science & Technology, China Aerospace Science & Industry, Aviation Industry Corp of China, Russian Roscosmos, French Thales Group, and US GE Aviation discussed opening-up and innovation, cooperation and mutual benefits, new development patterns, digital and intelligent transformation, carbon peaking, and green sustainable development.

Joseph Hun-wei Lee, president of Macau University of Science & Technology, and Shi Lei, general manager of Zhuhai Aviation City & Airport Group drew up blueprints for Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area cooperation, and made suggestions about aeronautics and astronautics in the Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone on Hengqin Island.

Lin Keqing, executive vice governor of Guangdong, delivered the welcoming address. Wu Yanhua of CNSA, Xu Zhanbin of the State Administration of Science, Technology & Industry for National Defense, Long Guoqiang of Development Research Center of the State Council, and Lyu Erxue of Civil Aviation Administration of China made keynote speeches.

CNSA also organized the China Space Culture & Art Forum, Forum on Satellite Application for Global Sustainable Development, a release conference on China's lunar and deep space exploration, and seminar on the International Lunar Research Station on Sept 26 and Sept 27.

A military-industrial international exchange activity was hosted by the State Administration of Science, Technology & Industry for National Defense on Sept 28.


Xi's Moments
1796761356102795270 (1).jpg Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin 2 years on
1920-694.jpg 14th China Intl Aviation & Aerospace Exhibition
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