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Cooperation with Macao intensified on Day One of zone


Updated: 2021-09-22

The first business registrations, construction permits, exit-entry, and cross-border practices in the name of the Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone were instituted Sept 17 with an efficiency and speed that surprised the applicants.

Application procedures were made quicker and easier right after the Guangdong governor and Macao chief executive took charge of the zone Administrative Committee on Sept 17. For instance, Lu Dezhong, a youth entrepreneur from Macao, received the zone's first business license from the Commercial Service Bureau. "I am today's number 001!" he exclaimed. The entire process from materials submission to license release took only three hours.


Hengqin cooperation zone's first business licenses issued to Macao-funded enterprises [Photo by Zeng Yao / Zhuhai Daily]

Ma Zhida, chairman of We Park (Hengqin) Development, obtained the zone's first construction permit from the Urban Planning & Construction Bureau at Hengqin Comprehensive Service Center the same day. This was 10 months quicker than with traditional administrative examination and approval procedures. Ma said this allows for early construction, early production, and early profit.

And as of Sept 17 Macao vehicle owners could complete exit-entry application procedures at an outlet in their hometown. Furthermore, several Hong Kong and Macao physicians were among the first to be granted short-term practice certificates to work in the zone.

Hengqin Island is 187 m (205 yd) from Macao across a water channel bridge. The island is endowed with location, policy, and growth advantages for Guangdong-Macao cooperation. The zone is designed to bring more convenience to locals and Macao residents with intensified reform measures and deepened Guangdong-Macao integration.

Zone leaders will make full use of support policies to promote the diversified development of Macao's industries, noted director Lei Wai Nong of the Executive Committee.


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1796761356102795270 (1).jpg Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin 2 years on
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