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North sightseeing route includes Meixi and Tangjia Bay


Updated: 2021-08-31

A north line Lovers Avenue sightseeing bus route opened Aug 29 between Shangchong Long-Distance Bus Passenger Terminal in Qianshan and Tangjiawan's Peninsula (Bandao) Rest Station Park.

From 9 am to 7 pm, one ticket allows visitors to get on and off at: Intercity MRT Mingzhu Station and Gong'an Village (Aoyuan Plaza and Meixi Royal Stone Archways), Xiangshan Lake Park, Chuangye Road intersection (Zhuhai Sports Center), Jinhua Urban Garden residential community (Meihua Urban Garden), UT Place, Xiangzhou Long-Distance Bus Passenger Terminal, Sea & Sky (Haitian) Park (Zhuhai Museum & Planning Exhibition Hall), Meili Bay (Fenghuang Bay Beach), Yinxing residential community (Honghua Mt Forest Park), Dieshi, Jishan (Tangjia Bay Beach), west of Qiandao Ring Road (Ancient Tangjia Town), and Gree Coast (Binhai Park and Coast Books).

The buses run every 15 to 30 minutes. A ticket purchased via WeChat account zhggbus also allows transfer to the south line east of Haitian Park. The north and south lines use the same buses.


Zhuhai Sightseeing Bus [Photo by Jin Bihai / Guanhai App]



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