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Zhuhai collects 2.46 million negative nucleic acid tests


Updated: 2021-08-06

Zhuhai collected 2.53 million nucleic acid test samples from Aug 3 to 5. All 2.46 million results by yesterday noon were negative, though more remained to be returned.

Local districts will advance the screening of residents who have not previously taken nucleic acid tests. To avoid a yellow health code, these people should visit a nearby sample collection site as soon as possible, and keep their facial masks on during the process.

In addition, all people in the key venues and industries will also be subject to nucleic acid testing, according to the Zhuhai Health Bureau.

The mass nucleic acid testing campaign was launched after four Macao residents' nucleic acid test results came back positive on Tuesday. Three of the Macao residents had visited Zhuhai before they tested positive.


A medical worker takes a swab sample from a resident [Photo courtesy WeChat account: zhtqb12345]

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