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Hi City becoming leisure, recreational, and travel center


Updated: 2021-07-26

The commercial complex adjoining Zhuhai Opera House on Yeli Island, Hi City will reopen to the public by the National Day (October 1) holiday with new offshore leisure and recreational services backed by Huafa Group's proven business development and urban operations.

For the past year Hi City has had interior, business formats, and functions, as well as branding upgrades conducted under the helm of renowned designer team CallisonRTKL, which is headquartered in the US, owned by Arcadis of the Netherlands, and has offices in 17 countries including China.


Press conference for upgraded Hi City complex [Photo by Zhong Fan / Guanhai App]

Hi City will be a one-stop leisure, recreational, and travel center that specializes in night economy, pan-entertainment, and slow-paced lifestyles, said Li Xiangdong, Huafa business executive director, at a July 22 press conference.

Several high-quality merchants will settle within the total floor area of 120,000 sqm (30 acres). Visitors can participate in parent-child, coastal leisure, or nighttime activities, dine at bars and restaurants, or purchase cultural-creative souvenirs and fashionable and boutique brands.

Significantly, what may seem like unattainable consumer experiences are to be made accessible. These include boarding a helicopter for shopping, partying on a yacht, or watching an unmanned aerial vehicle or light-shadow show at Zhuhai Opera House.  

In addition, 300 outdoor parking spaces for automobiles and 12 for coaches will be added, bringing the total to 1,500. Some two-lane south-north road sections of Lovers Avenue leading to the island will be expanded to three lanes, and traffic flows of buses, online-hailing vehicles, and private cars on the island will be separated to alleviate congestion.

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