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Zhuhai stages symphony to commemorate CPC holiday


Updated: 2021-07-06

A grand symphony of "Red classics" was staged July 4 at Zhuhai Opera House to celebrate the Communist Party of China centennial and display the city's march toward becoming a "modernized international special economic zone in the new era."

The symphony featured Li Fubin, renowned composer and chief conductor of the Zhuhai Chinese Orchestra; a choir of renowned singers Wan Shanhong, Yi Hongyuan, and Zhi Nan; and a band of young musicians. They collectively staged eight musical works, from choruses and orchestral pieces to situation comedies and folk music. 


Three Revolutionary Heroes depicts story of a trio of Zhuhai natives [Photo courtesy Guanhai App]

One of the highlights was Reminiscent of Revolutionary Legend – Looking for Heroes in Huangyang, a scene play that commemorates Zhuhai martyr Kuang (Kwong) Rensheng (1911-42) and the city's first CPC branch at Xiaohaochong (Small Haochong) Village of Doumen District.

The work Three Revolutionary Heroes depicts the story of Zhuhai natives Su Chao-cheng (Su Zhaozheng), Yang Pao-an (Yang Pao'an), and Lin Wei-min (Lin Weimin), who made great contributions to the growth of the CPC, development of the China's Workers Movement, and spread of Marxism in China.

The event was hosted by the Publicity Department of the CPC Zhuhai Municipal Committee and undertaken by Zhuhai Performing Arts Group while the performances were delivered by Zhuhai Chinese Orchestra and Zhuhai Song & Dance Ensemble.

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