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Zhuhai glows with displays dedicated to CPC centennial


Updated: 2021-06-30

Municipal parks, transport hubs, and major road intersections across Zhuhai are red with national pride at themed landscape installations celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China.


Gongbei Checkpoint Square displays the official event logo of the CPC 100th anniversary, a torch statue, and doves

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"Cattle" at Haibin Park in Jida symbolizes CPC hardworking and pioneering spirits

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Yeli Island Park in Old Xiangzhou is spruced up with mountain-, swan-, and dove-shaped installations

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Official event logo of CPC 100th anniversary stands at Xiangshan Lake Park

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Themed installation at Sea & Sky (Haitian) Park

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Delivery zooms past themed arrangements at South Fenghuang Road

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Party flag "flies" over Macao-Viewing Platform in Hengqin New Area

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"Vessel" at East Huandao Road in Hengqin represents CPC centenary struggle and new journey

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Huxin Road intersection in Doumen District is bedecked with three Party flags and floral arrangements [Photos by Li Jianshu, Zhang Zhou, Zhu Xi, Zhong Fan, Wu Changfu & Zeng Yao / Zhuhai Media Group]

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