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Air quality up there with Haikou, still Zhuhai aims higher


Updated: 2021-06-28

Zhuhai was second among 168 key domestic cities in May air quality, the Ministry of Ecology & Environment reported June 21. Only Haikou on the island province of Hainan performed better and right behind Zhuhai was neighboring Zhongshan.

Zhuhai's daily compliance rate with the Air Quality Index (AQI) was 93.5 percent during the period. Concentrations of PM2.5, PM10, and ozone dropped 42.1 percent, 50 percent, and 36.8 percent respectively from April to 11µg/m³, 20µg/m³, and 96mg/m³.

Zhuhai ranked eighth among the key cities in terms of breathability in the first five months of this year. Nonetheless, the city released a list of 34 key tasks for the prevention and control of air pollution in the first quarter.


Fisher Maiden in morning twilight [Photo by Ye Qiuming& Li Jianshu / Guanhai App]

Also issued were three-day warning forecasts on AQI and concentrations of six major pollutants. Local ecological environment and meteorological authorities improved forecast models, paying attention to changes in ozone, PM2.5, and nitrogen dioxide levels before the rainy season ended.

To strengthen prevention and control, Zhuhai released 186 air-quality monitoring and forecasting publications, responded to 19 polluted days, and compiled four reports on the analysis of pollution factors, temporal and spatial variations, and treatment effects between January and May.

Meanwhile, the city took part in joint air pollution prevention and control in the Pearl River Delta. An air pollution treatment database was established, and ozone counter-back mechanism and controlled object list were improved with provincial support.

Enterprises emitting volatile organic compounds are subject to targeted treatment measures, pilots of new-type treatment technology, and refined supervision. Areas surrounding national monitored sites and key industrial parks are under online, cruise-observation, and remote-sensing monitoring.

High-emission vehicles have been forbidden in Xiangzhou District since April 1 and information on 18 such vehicles had been identified and transferred by environmental authorities to transport authorities for punishment as of May 31.


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