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Citywide reading events add depth to 100th anniversary


Updated: 2021-06-21

The city will have 12 themed activities along with the Zhuhai Branch of the South China Book Festival to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and promote "reading for all."

A list of 100 "Red" books related to the history of the CPC, China, and Chinese military; achievements of the New China; and heroes and role models will be released on the reading platform Guanhai App. Other high-quality digital books catering to the demands of different groups also are available.   

Zhuhai and Macao teenagers will be invited to attend a recitation contest of "Red" classics to enhance mutual exchanges and patriotic emotion.


"Red" classic being perused [Photo provided to Zhuhai Daily]

A dedicated exhibition area at the Zhuhai Branch of the South China Book Festival is scheduled in August. There will be a time corridor to showcase the development and achievements of the CPC over the past century. Visitors can scan QR codes to listen to Party history at an audio library.

Also planned are selections of the Most Beautiful Bookstores in Zhuhai, Most Beautiful Reading Space on Campuses, a "How We Look When Reading" photography contest, and elite reading sharing.

There will be One-Hour Tranquil Reading Areas at bookstores, libraries, cafes, schools, and residential communities across the city, and an Alliance for Concentrated Reading will be established. Other events include a Rural Reading Season, Listening to Zhuhai on the Sea & in the Air, and program to inspire utilization of idle books.

As of now, Zhuhai has a wide-coverage service network of reading facilities at the Zhuhai, Xiangzhou, Jinwan, and Doumen libraries, town and sub-district cultural centers, and village and residential community cultural rooms. A dozen digital reading machines are available at hospitals and the Zhuhai Sports, Administrative Service and Real Estate Service centers and grassroots cultural centers.  

Meanwhile, each year's South China Book Festival and World Book & Copyright Day on April 23 are replete with new-book releases, meet-and-greets, reading salons, lectures, and similar activities.


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