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Foreign nationals can apply for COVID-19 vaccination in Zhuhai

(Zhuhai Foreign Affairs Office)

Updated: 2021-04-16

On April 13, 2021, Zhuhai started COVID-19 vaccination for foreign nationals subject to local age eligibility restrictions, following the principle of being well-informed, signing up voluntarily, self-funded and assuming personal responsibility for risks. Foreign nationals in Zhuhai who want to be vaccinated on a voluntary basis need to register online through the Yuejiantong WeChat service platform and choose Zhuhai People's Hospital or Zhuhai Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine for vaccination. Zhuhai currently uses domestically-developed inactivated COVID-19 vaccines, and two doses are required for the entire course.

Foreign nationals who have already participated in the social medical insurance of Guangdong Province can bring their social medical insurance card and share the same treatment as other Chinese citizens. For those who have not participated in the social medical insurance of Guangdong Province, they will be vaccinated at their own expense. The cost is 100 yuan per dose.

Foreign nationals who wish to be vaccinated can make an appointment through the Yuejiantong WeChat service platform (scan the QR code below). After the appointment is successfully made, foreign nationals can bring their permanent residence ID card or their passport with the valid residence permit and social medical insurance card and go to the designated site at the appointed time for vaccination.

Before taking vaccine, foreign nationals should sign both a form of informed consent and a statement of bearing personal responsibility for all risks associated with vaccination. Please take necessary precautions and inform the vaccine giving personnel of your health condition so that they can decide whether you can take vaccine. Please stay in the hospital for 30 minutes of observation after vaccination. And necessary personal precautions are still needed after vaccination.

The QR code of the Yuejiantong Wechat service platform is available below:


Should foreign nationals have any inquiries regarding COVID-19 prevention and control, please feel free to use the multilingual hotline service of Zhuhai Foreign Affairs Office:

For English, Ms Hou, 2125406

For Japanese, Ms Xie, 2125421

For Korean, Ms Sun, 2125215

The above hotline service is available on weekdays.







英 語:侯 2125406

日本語:謝 2125421

韓国語:孫 2125215

주하이 거주 외국인 코로나19 백신 접종 개시 안내문

주하이시에서는 2021년4월13일부터 상황숙지, 자원, 자비 부담, 위험 자부담 원칙에 따라 현지에 거주하고 있는 접종권장 연령층에 포함되는 외국인을 대상으로 중국산 코로나19 백신(상장단계) 접종을 개시했습니다. 백신접종은 “粤健通”위챗을 통해 온라인 예약등록을 해서 珠海人民医院 혹은 珠海中西医结合医院에서 접종 받을수 있습니다. 

현재 주하이시는 중국산 코로나19 불활성화 백신을 사용하고 있으며 총 두번에 걸쳐 접종해야 합니다. 광둥성 사회보장 의료보험에 가입한 외국인은 접종현장에서 의료보험카드를 제출하면 중국공민과 동등한 대우를 받으며, 광둥성 사회보장 의료보험 미가입 외국인은 자비로 접종해야 하며 비용은 한번 접종에 100元입니다。

접종예약방법: 아래 첨부된 QR코드로 "粤健通" 위챗에 접속해 필요한 정보를 입력해 예약합니다. 예약이 완료되면 지정된 시간과 접종장소로 이동하며 중화인민공화국 외국인 영주신분증 이나 여권 그리고 유효 거주증명서, 의료보험카드를 지참해야 합니다. 백신 접종에 앞서 절차에 따라 백신 접종 관련 동의서와 면책약속승낙서에 서명하며, 개인방호와 건강상태를 스스로 알려 접종조건에 적합한지 여부를 전문가가 판정하게 해야 합니다. 접종후 30분정도 병원에 머물며 상태를 관찰해야 합니다. 백신 접종이후에도 전염병예방수칙대로 개인차원의 위생예방조치를 취해야 합니다.


접종과정에 궁금한점 있으면 주하이시 외사국으로 연락해 주십시오.

주하이시 외사국 상담전화 (상담시간: 근무일):

영  어: 미스 후,  2125406

일본어: 미스 사,  2125421

한국어: 미스 손,  2125215




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