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Expats begin receiving COVID-19 vaccinations in Zhuhai


Updated: 2021-04-15

A Pakistani product manager working in Tangjiawan became the first local expat to receive a COVID-19 vaccination in Zhuhai on April 13. Shumail Mahmood said he appreciated the warm services provided by the Chinese government to ensure his safety.

After nine years in China, the 33-year-old relocated from Shenzhen a few months ago and is employed at Guangdong Biolight Meditech's International Trade Department in the Zhuhai Hi-Tech Development Zone. Since he sells medical products in various countries, he made an appointment on April 12, the first day Guangdong started vaccinating foreign nationals.


Shumail Mahmood of Pakistan receives vaccination [Photo by Shen Yang / Guanhai App]

Shumail underwent an epidemiological examination and body temperature measurement at Zhuhai Renmin (People's) Hospital on Kangning Road in Old Xiangzhou. Medical staff checked his health condition and delivered the shot after he signed an informed consent and statement to bear personal responsibility for all risks.

He was reminded of the dos and don'ts after inoculation and given the date of his second shot prior to a half-hour medical observation. Covered by local medical insurance, Shumail could receive both doses free of charge. In addition, his family members back in Pakistan also benefit since China has already donated 1.5 million doses of the coronavirus vaccine to the neighboring country.

In total, 33 foreigners made appointments for vaccination at Zhuhai Renmin Hospital on April 13. The hospital has assigned multiple medical staff versed in foreign languages to attend them, while offering informed consent in English.

Meanwhile, the hospital accepts group appointments and will provide door-to-door service to communities and enterprises in which foreigners are concentrated, according to Cui Min, vice president.

Another designated medical institution in the city offering vaccinations to foreigners is the Zhuhai Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese & Western Medicine on Yuehua Road in Gongbei.



Foreigners can now apply for COVID vaccination in Guangdong

On April 12, Guangdong will start COVID-19 vaccination for foreign nationals subject to local age eligibility restrictions, following the principle of voluntary participation, giving informed consent and assuming personal responsibility for risks.

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