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Flowers trumpet, snap, and spread happiness in Zhuhai


Updated: 2021-03-08

A wide variety of spring flowers are in bloom at Zhuhai parks, along roads and trails, and at other public sites throughout the city.

Bauhinia variegate (mountain ebony plants)


Bauhinia variegate at Xiangshan Lake Park

Best admiring place: Xiangshan Lake Park in New Xiangzhou

Similar sites: 6th Xinwan Road in Jinding Town of the National Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone (Tangjiawan); Jindao Road and Jinhaian (Golden Coast) Avenue in Jinwan District; Haojiang Road in Hengqin; Yinhua Road, Haibin and Yeli Island parks and west of the Changsheng Bridge in Xiangzhou; and Huangyang River Wetland Park in Doumen

Best Florescence: March

Galsang (happiness) flowers


Galsang flowers

Admiring places: Sea & Sky (Haitian) and Haibin parks and South Lovers Avenue (some fields are undergoing maintenance) in Xiangzhou District

Best Florescence: March

Golden trumpet (handroanthus chrysotrichus) trees


Blooming golden trumpet trees at Sea & Sky Park

Best admiring place: Sea & Sky Park

Similar sites: Xiangshan Lake Park, south of Santaishi Interchange of Jinqin Express Road auxiliary lane, and Chunfeng Road in New Xiangzhou; Doumen East Causeway Extreme Sports Park; Nanhe Road in Sanzao Town and Proposed 8th Road in Lian'gang Industrial Zone in Hongqin Town of Jinwan District; and Hengqin's East Huandao Road and areas surrounding Hengqin Checkpoint.

Best Florescence: March (may vary with area)

Bougainvillea glabra (paper flowers)


Paper flowers along Jingshan Trail

Admiring places: Jingshan Trail, Haibin Park, and Meihua Urban Garden in Xiangzhou

Best Florescence: March

Peach (prunus persica) blossoms


Peach blossoms

Admiring place: Gongle Garden at external frontier of Gongleyuan Park in Tangjiawan

Best Florescence: March

Kapok (cotton tree, ceiba pentandra) flowers


Kapok flowers

Admiring places: Sea & Sky and Xiangshan parks, and Central Yuehai and Shanchang roads in Xiangzhou

Best Florescence: March

Spider (cleome hassleriana) flowers


Spider flowers along South Lovers Avenue

Admiring places: South Lovers Avenue section in Jida and Gongbei and Hengqin Orange Happy Farm

Best Florescence: through April

Rapeseed (brassica napus) flowers


Rapeseed flowers at Sea & Sky Park

Admiring places: Sea & Sky Park and Hengqin Orange Happy Farm

Best Florescence: March

Sunflowers (helianthus annuus)



Admiring place: areas surrounding Hengqin Legend Ponto Square

Best Florescence: through April

Foxgloves (digitalis purperea)



Admiring places: Haibin and Bailiandong (White Lotus Cave) parks in Jida

Best Florescence: through April

Azaleas (rhododendron pulchrum)


Rhododendron pulchrum

Admiring place: Haibin Park

Best Florescence: through April

Orange trumpet (campsis radicans) vines


Orange trumpet vine

Admiring places: Xiangshan and White Lotus Cave parks

Best Florescence: through May

Camellias (camellia japonica)



Admiring places: Sea & Sky and Haibin parks

Best Florescence: before April

Snapdragons (antirrhinum)



Admiring place: Haibin Park

Best Florescence: March

Corn poppies (papaver rhoeas)


Corn poppies [Photos courtesy Zhuhai Media Group]

Admiring place: Haibin Park

Best Florescence: late March

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