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Huafa Mall hosts 40 aerial photos of Zhuhai morphosis


Updated: 2020-12-08

Views from the sky showing Zhuhai growing from underdeveloped fishing villages into a modernized city are being shown in the courtyard of Huafa Mall Hall B in Nanping through Dec 15 prior to going on tour.

Forty aerial photographs of early cityscapes were taken by senior photographers Li Weikun, Hu Jian, Ye Zhixiong, and Cai Jianhua and presented as a tribute to the 40th anniversary of the Zhuhai Special Economic Zone (SEZ).

The four SEZ contractors, witnesses, and recorders shared stories about taking their aerial shots, talked about their experiences, and answered questions at Readzone following the Dec 6 opening ceremony. 

The exhibition is being handled by the Li Weikun Photography Studio and Zhuhai Jingzhi Photography Design after nearly a year of preparation under the auspices of the Zhuhai Huafa Public Foundation.


You're never too young for a photo exhibition [Photo by Zhu Xi / Guanhai App]

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