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AI from Hengqin online with pandemic need-to-knows


Updated: 2020-12-04

A scientific system of COVID-19 pandemic forecasting – from world to provincial and municipal levels -- has gone online thanks to the Hengqin Advanced Intelligent Computing Center and Hengqin Whalemed.

The system, at, provides visual analysis of domestic and global epidemic data, trends, and even vaccine progress. A team led by Zhong Nanshan, director of the Guangzhou Institute of Respiratory Health & National Clinical Research Center for Respiratory Disease, developed the system that also advises when to don masks. Users can subscribe to seven-day epidemic fluctuation forecasts.


Domestic epidemic data and trends [Photo courtesy WeChat account: nanshanhuxi]

The Hengqin Advanced Intelligent Computing Center of the Guangdong Qinzhi Science & Technology Research Institute provides algorithm support. The center was established by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the governments of Guangdong, Zhuhai, and Hengqin New Area in May 2019.

China's first AI-empowered advanced center possesses a computing power of up to 1.16 exa-operations per second (Eops) relying on Cambricon's neural network chip. Such capability allows for a wider scope for commercial application compared with traditional central processing unit supercomputer centers, said Guo Zhen, a PhD holder with the center. 

In addition, Hengqin Whalemed Technology has proposed SEIR (Susceptible-Exposed-Infected-Recovered), an optimized model from that widely used in the public health sector. SEIR distinguishes between infected individuals and conducts calculations based on big data and AI. The forecast precision of the system is reportedly significantly higher than that of foreign countries in calculating epidemic situations.

According to Wang Ke, general manager of Whalemed, the system warns of high-risk areas, assists with production resumption, and evaluates the safety of overseas travel worldwide. It will further optimize its AI algorithm and big data technology for epidemic warning based on virology and public health knowledge.

Founded in 2018 at TCM Science & Technology Industrial Park of Cooperation Between Guangdong & Macao, Whalemed is an AI-centered solution provider of big data technology. The company provides platforms for enterprises in the big health, traditional Chinese medicine, and drug discovery and R&D sectors.

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