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S Lovers Avenue opens all the way to Hengqin Bridge


Updated: 2020-09-15

The Lovers Avenue south section from Wanzai Middle School to the Hengqin Bridge opened Sept 12 to alleviate traffic pressure in Nanwan, Wanzai, and Hengqin New Area.

The 9.35-km (5.8-mile) south section runs from the Macao-Viewing Platform on South Lovers Avenue (north of Gongbei Checkpoint), west along Changsheng Road, over the Changsheng Bridge, and south along Nanwan Avenue. It terminates at the north approach road of the Hengqin Bridge after passing Wanzai Return Square, Wanzai Checkpoint, and Tourist Terminal.

The Changsheng Bridge-Wanzai Middle School and Macao-Viewing Platform-Changsheng Bridge segments opened to traffic in late 2018 and 2019, respectively.

Renovation of the south section from Gongbei Checkpoint to Hengqin Bridge was undertaken by a subsidiary of Huafa Group, and involved soft foundation treatment, landscaping, and construction of 10 three-dimensional pedestrian crossings and six bridges and turn-around tunnels.


Wanzai segment of South Lovers Avenue, with Zhuhai Tower and Shizimen Central Business District in background [Photo courtesy Huafa Urban Operation]

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