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Thousands of much-needed parking spots will be built


Updated: 2020-06-11

Accessory, public, and on-street parking lots for up to 5,000 vehicles will be built this year as one of the city's top 10 livelihood projects, according to the Zhuhai Housing & Urban-Rural Planning & Construction Bureau.

Land resources near parks, markets, hospitals, transport hubs, and urban roads will be upgraded to serve the public and roadside parking lots. Pilot construction of stereoscopic public parking garages will be explored for marginal and boxed-in areas.


Open-air parking strip [File photo]

Moreover, planning and management authorities will raise the quota for construction, transformation, and expansion of parking stalls, particularly at sites adjacent to longtime residential communities. 

According to the Zhuhai Parking Lot Management Methods document, the planning and construction of accessory parking lots should be prioritized. This would be complemented by public parking areas and supplemented by roadside parking spaces. 

The plan is for the number of accessory parking stalls to account for more than 85 percent of the city total, while public and on-street parking spots should make up 10 percent to 15 percent.

The bureau expects a shortage of 33,000 public and roadside parking places inasmuch as the number of automobiles across Zhuhai exceeds 700,000 due to rapid socio-economic growth. 

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