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Measures taken to put stricken industries back on feet


Updated: 2020-03-13

Investment, consumption, foreign trade, and high-quality industrial development wracked by the corona virus disease (COVID-19) outbreak will be subsidized to help stabilize the city economy.

The Zhuhai Municipal People's Government announced that construction of 129 new key projects will commence in quarterly segments, while work on ongoing key projects will resume by next week and be half completed by late June.

In the construction sector, awards and subsidies will go to those key projects that meet the late-June target, have arranged for the timely return of workers, and have accidental injury group insurance.

In addition, those that have not laid off employees and have recruited new ones will be subsidized, while chartered buses are engaged to transport the necessary crews.

Real-economy projects that haven't fulfilled contracts or come under construction since 2017 -- especially those from key manufacturing sectors -- will be encouraged to get underway. The government will help key manufacturers address supply chain rupture and shortages of anti-epidemic supplies, capital, and labor.

Funds are available for enterprises that have upgraded to above designated size. More than 120 of them and over 10 benchmark Industrial Internet application enterprises are to be cultivated this year, while 300 larger industrial firms will be urged to complete technical transformation.


Fushan Industrial Park enterprise resumes operations in Doumen [Photo by Zeng Yao / Zhuhai Daily] 

To revitalize the real estate industry, Zhuhai will optimize pre-sale fund management, lower land bidding deposits, and allow land transfer installments and temporary absence of some documents when going through construction formalities. 

Meanwhile, 30 billion yuan ($4.3 billion) in land for business use will be transferred in the first half of this year, as will a batch of sites for commercial residences. Renovation of old towns, factories, and villages, and the construction of at least 12,000 public rental housing and talent apartments will begin.

Catering, retail, and accommodation enterprises rated as above designated size for the first time will receive awards. In addition to release of coupons, the government invites commercial, trade, cultural, and tourism companies to host promotional events such as food and shopping festivals and cultural tourism promotions. New business modes, including online entertainment and education, and remote work and medical treatment, are encouraged.

The purchase of automobiles meeting National Emission Standard VI will be encouraged and subsidized. Venue rent, publicity and sales subsidies will be offered to auto exhibition organizers and attending enterprises. The procedures of automobile registration and second-hand automobile trade will be simplified, and relevant financial services will be optimized.

Household appliance manufacturers and stores are encouraged to surrender some profit for promotions such as trading in old appliances for new ones.

The city will increase financial support to epidemic-impacted foreign trade enterprises, shorten their customs clearance time, lower checkpoint charges, and in getting refunds of export taxes, seeking compensation from export credit insurance, and issuing factual proofs of force majeure.

Relying on internet platforms, the city will attract investment through online negotiations, signings, and video conferences.

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