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Zhuhai offers incentives to ramp up mask production


Updated: 2020-02-17

Up to 1 million yuan ($143,200) will be awarded to city mask-manufacturing enterprises that increase production to meet the needs for epidemic prevention and control, the Zhuhai Industry & Information Technology Bureau announced on Feb 13.

Local enterprises are encouraged to integrate resources and increase production through consortiums, said an official of the bureau.

Protective face masks produced by enterprises or consortiums before Feb 29 will be purchased by the Zhuhai Epidemic Prevention & Control Command Center's Material Support Group at a price set for significant supplies as long as they meet anti-epidemic requirements and national standards.


Anson Nano-Biological Technology in Tangjiawan is to expand daily capacity to 175,000 masks by late February [Photo courtesy]

One-off awards of 500,000 yuan ($71,600), 750,000 yuan ($107,400), or 1 million yuan are available to an enterprise for a boosted daily delivery of 100,000, 150,000, or 200,000 masks compared to the number delivered on Feb 11 to the command center on any given day before Feb 20. The enterprises should maintain the delivery numbers through Feb 29.

Under the previous drive, Gree Real Estate expanded its business scope to manufacturing masks to help alleviate the shortage of supplies, according to a Feb 10 announcement.

A joint venture was established for that purpose by the company’s wholly owned Zhuhai Gaoge Corporate Management together with Zhuhai companies Weichuang Technology, Ecare Electronics Science & Technology, and Foyen Technology.

The first two production lines in Jinwan District will come into trial operation in March with a daily capacity of 80,000 to 100,000 masks.

Gree Real Estate declared that follow-up R&D and production of such medical supplies depends on the epidemic situation, while the company’s major business remains unchanged.

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