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Chimelong world circus acts certain to be outstanding


Updated: 2019-11-15

A wide range of acrobatic performances involving aerial stunts, clown shows, contortions, and magic will be brought to Zhuhai by world-renowned daredevils from 22 countries and regions during the Nov 16-23 China International Circus Festival.

Watch Dogs led by S Trushin will see performers jump from a springboard and fly gracefully through the air in highly difficult movements. Winner of the Golden Clown Award at the International Circus Festival of Monte-Carlo, their quadruple-turn with one walking stick is still a world-record holder.

In Icarian Games by Martinez Brothers from Columbia and Japan, one of the performers lies on his back and flips, twirling and spinning another performer on his feet. Not only that – he does it 40 times while they are descending 10 m (33 ft) in an elevator. The performance was awarded the Golden Idol at World Festival of Circus Arts "Idol-2019" in Moscow.


Icarian Games

The Silk Act by Mariia Shevchenko is reputedly a sensational thriller. Dressed in red, the Ukraine performer dangles from a rising silk rope while pulling off multiple stunts, including a loose-support single-leg hook, split in the air, and descent hung by the neck.

Two Canadian contortionists will demonstrate extreme physical flexibility in Symbiosis (Contortionist-Spiders). The emotional changes of two spiders from initial fear, provocation, and anxiety to curiosity, and then to mutual support in dangerous situations, and finally to shared affection is intended to fascinate spectators and perhaps in some way instruct them about life.

When clubs, balls, and legs start swirling through the air, a choreographed Tango Juggling display by Dutch and French performers is unfolding, in which dexterous juggling skills match the elegance and passion of the tango.

The Chinese performance Oksana Awkward will bring an electric mix of shoulder ballet, juggling, dance, and hand-to-hand skills. Their original handstand human modeling of pyramids and archways promises to awe.

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Oksana Awkward [Photos courtesy WeChat account: zhtqb12345]

In addition to breathtaking performances, the Chimelong's novel circus show Long Xiu (Dragon Show) will be staged at the newly built Chimelong Theater.

The theater affords an unparalleled visual experience for up to 6,700 spectators. There is a 1,300-sq-m (1,555-sq-yd) LED screen, 270-degree panoramic ring stage, three large surrounding waterways, and 360-degree elevated circular track of over 250 m (273 yd).



Fisher Maiden, dragons to kick off Chimelong Theater

Chimelong Group gave the news media a thrilling hi-tech experience in the huge new Zhuhai Chimelong Theater on July 17 with a preview of Long Xiu (Dragon Show) starring the Fisher Maiden and her sweetheart, Hai Peng.


Circus acts from the world over coming to Chimelong

The 6th China International Circus Festival has scheduled 24 performances by world-class acrobats from 22 countries and regions from Nov 16 to 23.

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