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Flowers galore brightly adorn public places for Oct 1st


Updated: 2019-09-26

More than 250,000 flower plants are being placed across Zhuhai parks, squares, and transport hubs while 41,418 sq m (10 acres) of seasonal flowers are being planted in greenbelts and designs along artery roads to welcome the October 1st National Day.

In Xiangzhou District, 19,559 potted flowers will have decorated Gongbei Checkpoint and 12,038 more grace the Zhuhai Municipal People's Government Complex entrance in Wanzaisha. Meanwhile, 248 sq m (297 sq yd) of flowers will adorn the Jialin Mt Tunnel and a further 130 sq m (155 sq yd) will eye-please at Xinyue (New Moon) Bridge linking Yeli Island and Central Lovers Avenue.

In Hengqin New Area, a landscape sculpture has been erected at Hengqin Marina and about 730 sq m (873 sq yd) of flowers are to be arranged near the Zhuhai International Convention & Exhibition Center in Shizimen and along Nanqin Road.

The Zhuhai MRT Station in Gongbei, Beijing-Zhuhai Expressway Toll Station, Gongleyuan Park in Tangjiawan, Yeli Island, Haibin, Xiangshan Lake, and Jinshan parks will also be bedecked in blooms.

The variety includes the jubilant bougainvillea glabra, Chinese hibiscus, red sage, catharanthus roseus, tagetes, pansies, sunflowers, malus spectabilis, and torenia fournieri, all symbolizing the new prosperous and thriving China.


White dolphin sculptures and floral arrangement at Xianglu Bay [Photo by Wu Changfu / Zhuhai Daily]

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