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Orbita sends 5 capsules from Tangjiawan to launchpad


Updated: 2019-09-04

Five more space capsules developed by Zhuhai Orbita Aerospace Science & Technology Co are to be launched in mid-to-late September, joining seven Zhuhai-1 micro-satellites in a growing constellation.

The four hyperspectral satellites and one video unit of the OHS-3s series will be launched from Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on a Long March 11 carrier rocket.


Departure ceremony of Zhuhai-1 micro-satellites

 After launch, a network of 12 remote-sensing micro-nano satellites -- eight of them hyperspectral -- will then be formed. It will complete a full scan of the planet's land surface every two and a half days while viewing a specific area multiple times daily.

The annual data collection is expected to amount to about 7 petabytes, covering 2.19 million sq km and having a full scan of the planet 182 times.

The Zhuhai-1 satellite constellation is independently constructed and operated by Zhuhai Orbita, which is headquartered at Orbita Tech Park on Baisha Road in Tangjiawan. Orbita is China's first independent private operator of a satellite constellation.


Work is conducted on Zhuhai-1 micro-satellites [Photos courtesy Nanfang Plus]

Hyperspectral satellites have the country's highest spatial resolution. They filled a gap in China's commercial space industry by providing a data basis for the development of the domestic remote-sensing satellite big data industry.

President Yan Jun said that the company will provide better services to the fields of natural resources, ecological environment, agriculture, traffic, emergency management, urban construction, finance and insurance, as well as Smart City initiatives.

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