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HZMB cashless, non-stop toll collections encouraged


Updated: 2019-08-06

The electronic collection of automobile tolls was promoted at several locations from Aug 2 to 6 by the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB) Authority.

The main promotion is at the Car Appliance Crew Inspection Hall of HZMB Zhuhai Port. ETC (electronic toll collection) service providers -- Hong Kong Autotoll, Macau Pass SA, and Macao Branch of China Guangfa Bank -- are also engaging online and at 58 stores in the event.

Nearly 200 people conducted face-to-face consultations on the first day alone, with 116 valid questionnaires received.


Volunteers introduce ETC to drivers

There are now no technical obstacles for vehicles with Autotoll and E-Serve to enjoy ETC service, while the use of a Macau Pass on the bridge requires further research and negotiation, according to Yu Lie, deputy director of HZMB Authority.

As of Aug 2, 75 percent of the motorists interviewed used the mainland and Autotoll's ETC systems; 10 percent used a bank card, Alipay or WeChat Pay; and 15 percent used cash when crossing the bridge.


Offline Macau Pass store [Photos courtesy WeChat account: gh_4925269112e0]

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