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German city exhibits itself, pictures future with Zhuhai


Updated: 2019-03-26

A photo exhibition featuring the history, culture, ecological environment, and industries of sister city Braunschweig opened at the Zhuhai Library off North Yingbin Road in New Xiangzhou on March 24.

History-laden Braunschweig in Lower Saxony, Germany is best known for scientific research. It established a sister-city relationship with Zhuhai in June 2011 and since then there have been youth exchanges as well as medical and cultural cooperation.

At the opening ceremony of the photo exhibit, Zhuhai Mayor Yao Yisheng called for exchanges and cooperation to be extended to a wider range of fields, while wooing Braunschweig enterprises to invest here.


Ulrich Markurth at opening ceremony [Photo courtesy]

He cited Zhuhai's advantages as a core area in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and as one of China's first special economic zones, home to a free trade zone, hi-tech zone, Western Eco-New Town, and other fast-development areas.

Braunschweig Mayor Ulrich Markurth said he was impressed with Zhuhai, especially the unprecedented development opportunities coming with the opening of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge.

Braunschweig, like Zhuhai, attaches great importance to sci-tech innovation and livability. It is expected that the two cities can utilize the photo exhibition as a jump-off point to deepen mutual understanding and unlock great cooperation potential for a win-win result, said Markurth.


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