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High above Sanzao opens a marvelous mountain park


Updated: 2019-02-21

Guanyin Mt (观音山) Country Park in the heart of Sanzao Town opened preliminarily on Feb 19 with a 7-km (4.35-mile) hiking trail and scenic photography opportunities.

Costing 30 million yuan ($4.46 million), the trail winds through 752 hectares (3 sq miles) just north of Zhuhai (Jinwan) Airport in Jinwan District.

Visitors will see a canyon upon entering the park, followed by lush vegetation and clean water. The 200-m (328-ft) peak boasts a dominating view of Sanzao Town and nearby villages, Liantang Bay in the South China Sea, and Hengqin New Area in the distant northeast. Deep among winding trials in the park is a mountain lake. 


Guanyin Mt trial

The next step is for the Sanzao government to restore the natural environment that is said to include a Lingyan Temple. Other offerings are planned to turn the park into an ideal place for ecology and scenery, hiking, healthy exercise, sightseeing, and popular science.


Buses 201 and 504 to Huáng Lǜ Bèi (黄绿背) stop. Walk 1 km (.62 mile) or take a shared bike to the destination.

Bus Z101 to East Gold Coast Market (Jīn Hǎi'àn Shìchǎng Dōng 金海岸市场东) stop. Walk 1 km (.62 mile) or take a shared bike to the destination.

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Secluded lake

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