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Jinwan institute opens to advance advanced materials

Updated: 2018-11-09

The Jinwan Advanced Materials Research Institute opened on Nov 6 as a base for aviation product displays, sci-tech consultations, and technology transfers.

The institute is situated in Dingjiawan Industrial Park, Jinwan District of Zhuhai. It comprises an international joint R&D center, business incubator, talent service and test centers, innovative materials exhibition hall, production demonstration zone, and staff apartments.                 

It will establish partnerships between colleges, scientific research institutes, investment agencies, enterprises, and government departments.


Institute signing and unveiling ceremony [Photo courtesy WeChat ID: zhuhaijinwan]

Beijing-based CITIC Asset Management Corp contracted at the opening ceremony to support quality projects at the institute. It will draw capital from a fund owned by an industry alliance that it will lead.

A professor representing Technische Universität Clausthal in Germany attended the ceremony as an invitee of the institute and signed a talent introduction agreement.

The Chinese Society for Composite Materials will also locate in Jinwan, according to a cooperation framework agreement signed at the ceremony.


Rendering of Jinwan Advanced Materials Research Institute [Photo courtesy WeChat ID: AMRI_Jinwan]

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