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Aviation Park heralds far-advanced materials projects

Updated: 2018-11-07

New-material projects worth 210 million yuan ($33 million) were announced at Zhuhai Aviation Industrial Park in Jinwan on Nov 5, a day prior to the 12th China International Aviation & Aerospace Exhibition opening nearby.

The Jinwan New-Materials Research Institute is among the new organizations to choose Guangdong's only industrial park dedicated to development of the aviation industry. Two other agreements focus on electrochromic glass, (which automatically adjusts windows to light and heat), and photonic crystal (nanostructures that use photons to control optical data) bioassays (which determine the strength or biological effects of a substance on a living organism).

These projects will be developed for both military and civilian uses. Park estimates output value at 1.3 billion yuan ($203 million).

The signing took place at a matchmaking event sponsored by the Zhuhai government.


Signing ceremony [Photo courtesy Zhuhai TV]


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