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Hustle and bustle getting things set at Airshow Center

Updated: 2018-10-26

The 12th China Aviation & Aerospace Exhibition from Nov 6 to 11 is undergoing accelerated preparation of 10 exhibition halls as aerial acrobatics teams will arrive next week.

The Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC), Aviation Industry Corp of China (AVIC), Commercial Aircraft Corp of China (COMAC), and other organizers and sponsors are setting up exhibition booths at the Zhuhai Airshow Center in Jinwan District.

Consisting of seven halls (Hall 1-7), the fixed pavilion for aerospace and aviation covers 6.6 hectares (16.3 acres). It is to accommodate cutting-edge technologies and products as well as defense equipment.


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Boeing, Airbus, and other renowned companies from the United States, Russia, France, Canada and elsewhere will have booths in Halls 3, 4, and 5. Domestic enterprise giants will be accommodated in their own halls, according to Zhou Zuode, director of the airshow's Zhuhai Executive Committee Office.

The 1.2-hecatre (3-acre) China Weaponry Hall (#8) will display the country's latest ordnance including tanks, armored vehicles, and guns.

Hall 9 is a newly built temporary structure to demonstrate military-civilian integration achievements in China. Outstanding companies Guangdong Hongda Blasting, Naruida Technology, and Yunzhou-Tech will display radar, launch vehicles, and missiles, as well as unmanned boats for military and civilian use, digital combat simulation systems, and aviation ancillary equipment.

Meanwhile, about 1.4 hectares (3.5 acres) are reserved for displays of unmanned aerial vehicles -- the main theme of Hall 10, the other temporary hall newly added this year.

The on-ground dynamic demonstration area has been readied for up to 50 projects. Moreover, organizers will double the size of tents erected outside the exhibition halls to enhance viewing.

The August 1st Aerobatic Team of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Air Force, Pakistan Air Force's Thunder aircraft, and Royal Saudi Air Force's (RSAF) Saudi Hawks will ensure an exciting flight show. 



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