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See-it-all nutritional factory: 1st-rate tourist attraction

Updated: 2018-10-24

A plaque for the By-Health Transparent Factory AAAA Tourist Attraction -- the first of its kind in the industry of Guangdong Province -- was unveiled on Oct 22 in Sanzao Town of Jinwan District. The status had been approved in August and admission to the factory is free.

By-Health is also one of the most advanced production bases worldwide for dietary supplements with strict quality control.

On an area of 21.7 hectares, production, inspection, storage, workspace, and record traceable raw materials imported from 23 countries are clearly visible behind glass walls. 



The company says there are about 200 detection points of internal control that enforce standards stricter than those at the national level.

Nutritious meals are arranged for visitors who can also learn about the company's processes through fun interactions.

By-Health revealed at the plaque unveiling ceremony that facilities will be added to make a first-ever hall in the world for public education about nutrition. Visitors will be invited to explore for themselves after it opens in 2019.


Visiting the transparent factory [Photos by Zhang Zhou / Zhuhai Daily]

Factory tours have added to the diversity of Jinwan tourism which also highlights rural, coastal, cultural, and aviation travel products.

Other 4A-level national tourist attraction sites in Zhuhai include New Yuanming Palace, Rossini Watch Industry Park, Agricultural Paradise, Yu Wen Quan Imperial Hot Springs Resort, and Dong'ao and Wailingding islands.

The Jinwan Culture, Sports & Tourism Bureau predicts 1.1 million visitors by the end of this year.



By-Health quality, transparency earn mayor's award

Dietary supplement producer By-Health Co Ltd in Sanzao has become the city's first company in the food-and-drug industry to merit the Zhuhai Mayor Quality Award.

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