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AG600 amphibious aircraft preps for first water takeoff

Updated: 2018-08-28

After trial ground flights in Zhuhai, the China-developed AG600 large amphibious aircraft landed at Zhanghe Airport in Jingmen of Hubei Province on Aug 26 to prepare for its first water takeoff.

The AG600, codenamed "Kunlong," has passed a series of tests at its Zhuhai research base since its maiden flight last December.

Now the aircraft is entering a new phase, ready for technical and flight tests at Zhanghe Airport, according to China Aviation Industry General Aircraft (CAIGA) Co, its manufacturer. The one-of-a-kind airport in China has two ground runways and a sea runway, and unique geographical and water conditions.


AG600 and crews

Designed to be the world's largest amphibious aircraft, the AG600 is similar in size to the domestically made large-type passenger C919. The AG600, C919 and Y-20 transport are called the "three brothers" in China's large aircraft family. The new member is a major piece of aviation equipment in China's expanding emergency rescue system, to be used for forest fire control and water search and rescue.

The AG600 large amphibious aircraft is expected to be delivered to customers by 2022, according to Xinhua reports. 


Sea runway at Zhanghe Airport in Jingmen


Pilots welcomed [Photos courtesy CCTV app]

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