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Rail line being constructed to Hengqin and airport

Updated: 2018-03-20

The Hengqin New Area section of the intercity rail transit line connecting the downtown with Zhuhai (Jinwan) Airport came under construction on March 16.

This is a major intercity MRT rail line to link the Pearl River Delta and Chinese mainland with Macao.

The first phase of construction, from Gongbei to Hengqin, began in 2014 and is expected to meet acceptance requirements later this year. The Hengqin-airport second phase will run northwestward with Jinwan Station to be built on the north side of Da Hengqin Mt. 



After passing over West Ring Road, the line will diverge with the Jinhai Avenue Bridge and merge on the Modaomen Highway-Railway Grand Bridge. South Hezhou Station will be built in the Reclamation Area after the line crosses over the Modaomen Waterway.

Next, the line will span the Baiteng River Waterway and run southeastward along Airport Road. Sanzao East Viaduct Station will be built at its intersection with County Road 590 (X590). Spanning 22.8 km (14.2 miles), the second section will conclude with an underground segment to the airport in the west.

The Jinhai Avenue Bridge, China's first cross-sea bridge with integrated highway and railway services, also came under construction. At 49.6 m (54.2 yd), it is wide even by world standards.


Jinhai Avenue Bridge

The designated speed is 100 kmph (62 mph) for the highway and 160 kmph (99.5 mph) for the railway. Adopting four pylons and double cable planes, the design is noted for an anti-jolt design allowing stable train travel.

The overall structure comprises the Modaomen Highway-Railway Grand Bridge, Hezhou and Baiteng River bridges, and Zizhu Bay Interchange. It starts at Hengqin Erjing Bay (tunnel on West Ring Road), and then runs westwards to diverge with the MRT rail line before terminating at Zizhu Bay on East Airport Road.

The avenue bridge, which will later connect the airport with the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, is seen as a key artery for the East and West wings of Zhuhai and Hengqin's most important outbound transit hub.


Construction begins [Photos by Zhong Fan/ Zhuhai Daily]

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