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Online store opens for Airshow China souvenirs

Updated: 2017-10-12

Aviation fans have a new online channel from which to purchase models of military vehicles, J-20 and Sukhoi Su-27 aircraft, and Type 99A tanks with quality assured by the China International Aviation & Aerospace Exhibition.

The e-commerce platform is authorized by Airshow China, the only international aerospace trade show in the country, which has taken place every two years in Zhuhai since 1996. The official mall ( opened on Oct 10 to sell the copyrighted souvenirs. The initiation ceremony was held at the Airshow China Office Building in Jida.

Also being marketed are commemorative T-shirts, according to Zhuhai Convention & Exhibition Group. The sales list is to be updated continuously.

The past two decades have seen the airshow grow into one of Zhuhai's most remarkable cultural cards; the development has been recorded and promoted through the sale of a wide range of special products and souvenirs with unique designs. They include stamp albums, mascots, medals, hats, glasses, and pendants.


Launch ceremony

For collectors, the online shop enables fast, safe, and convenient purchasing; and for the exhibition, it is a good way to spread the brand, said Sun Jiefeng, deputy general manager of Zhuhai Convention & Exhibition Group.

As planned, there will be a physical store in the future to form an online-offline sales mode allowing purchases at any time.

The airshow will be held for the 12th time at the Zhuhai Airshow Center from Nov 6 to 11, 2018. Eighty percent of indoor exhibition stalls have been booked by key large-scale aerospace and weaponry enterprises and airlines. They include Boeing, Airbus, Liebherr, Honeywell International, Russian Helicopters, and the French Aerospace Industries Association (GIFAS). Also confirmed are Avion Pacific, Yunzhou-Tech, and Jiangxi-based Tellhow Sci-Tech.

Moreover, the Russian Knights, an aerobatic demonstration team of the Russian Air Force, is expected to return with breathtaking aerobatic performances using Sukhoi Su-30SM fighters.


QR code of Airshow China online store [Photos by Zhong Xia / Zhuhai Daily]


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