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Bailiandong (White Lotus Cave) Park

Updated: 2016-04-28

Located north of Guancun, Jida, and in the valley of Southeast Banzhang Mt, Bailiandong Park is famous as the home of an ancient monk who lived in seclusion and planted white lotuses everywhere. A relic of the Paleolithic Period, the park was built during the Reign of Emperor Ch’ien-lung (Qianlong) (1735-96) and is the first cave museum in China. It contains a large number of fossils from ancient humans and mammals. The fossils of relics suggest that the White Lotus caveman made clothes and used fire to cook some 50,000 years ago, framing the White Lotus Cave Culture.


[Photo from]

With clear streams flowing down to a central lake and the lush green mountain, curiously shaped rocks, caves, pavilions and barbecue site, the park is an ideal venue for Chinese and western anthropologists to do scientific research and for visitors to go on outings on the weekend or exercise at any time.

Address: Central Jiuzhou Avenue, Jida, Xiangzhou District

Buses: 2, 12, 40, 25, 60, 202, 205, 206, get off at White Lotus Cave Park stop.


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